Thank You to Our GME Sponsors

“Gathering of Mountain Eagles” could not operate without the generous donations of individual Americans and companies.

Categories of our major GME Sponsors are Double Diamond ($10,000 or more), Diamond ($5000 or more), Platinum ($2500 to $4999), Gold ($1000 to $2499), Silver ($500 to $999) and Bronze (at least $250).

Thank You GME Sponsors

How To Become A Gathering of Mountain Eagles Sponsor

GME SponsorsWith your donation, and permission, we will add you to our sponsor list. Other supporters that are providing valuable discounts and service to our wounded are also listed. We invite you to visit their websites through the links below. Don’t wait! Become a Gathering of Mountain Eagles Sponsor now!

Donate to GME

Our Sponsors List

Double Diamond Mountain Eagle Sponsors

Diamond Mountain Eagle Sponsors

Platinum Mountain Eagle Sponsors

Gold Mountain Eagle Sponsors

Silver Mountain Eagle Sponsors

Bronze Mountain Eagle Sponsors
